Sustainability has rightly become an increasing focus in golf, with more thought going into how golf courses can be kinder to the environment, as well as more products being made using recycled materials and in more environmentally friendly ways. The R&A defines sustainability as: “optimising the playing quality of your golf course, in harmony with the conservation of its natural environment, under economically sound and socially responsible management.”
We will continue our sustainability journey and here is what we have achieved so far -

Our irrigation system uses water from our man-made lake on the 18th, a natural source that is not on the grid for watering the greens and tees, this is vital in keeping our water consumption as low as possible as in the Summer we use 73m3 water per month.

Solar Panels were installed in March 2023 which has saved 5,075kg of CO2 which is the equivalent of planting 304 trees.
Solar Panels

From changing to bamboo from plastic we have stopped 62,000 plastic tees being used on our courses so far!
Bamboo Trees

Mowana cuts the grass and recycles the clippings into fine particles pushing them down into the turf which strengthens and nourishes the grass.
Coleen collects the balls, places them in a trough where they are sucked into a washer, washed, and then put into a ball dispenser which uses less water than the traditional way.
Meet Our Trackman
Driving Range Robots

60+ bird boxes
1 owl box
2 hedgehog boxes
2 insect hotels which attract badgers and stop them from digging up the courses.
Log stack hotels that attract insects.
Wildflower gardens which attract bees.
Lots of animals including badgers, foxes, monk jack deer and buzzards.